Online privacy policy: Guidelines for the use of cookies

The protection of personal data is very important to us. Our highest priority is dealing with it in a trustworthy and transparent way. So that you understand what that means for you, below you will find a detailed explanation about what cookies are and what the cookie policy is at IONOS Inc. (hereafter IONOS). Additionally, we explain how you can restrict or prevent the use of cookies.


General Information

What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that the browser stores on your device (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.) when you visit a website. Once you visit the IONOS website or use another service provided by IONOS, information is collected and stored through cookies. The advantage of cookies for you is that it can improve your browsing experience, because your habits and needs can be identified. Cookies help to provide, keep up to date, and constantly improve services.
There are several types of cookies that you can read about in more detail below.

Types of cookies used on the IONOS website:

Cookies are classified according to origin, purpose, or expiration date. The cookies used by IONOS serve different purposes; their validity periods vary.

1. Origin

  • First-party cookies: deposited and managed directly by IONOS. We use cookies of this kind, for example, to collect information about your user behavior on our website for IONOS.
  • Third-party cookies: deposited and managed by partners to perform statistical analysis about how users navigate the IONOS website or for marketing purposes. This analysis is performed completely anonymously.
Tags is an umbrella term for sections of code that can be integrated into websites and used for various functions, such as basic tracking (tracking pixels) or complex data transmissions (e.g. conversion tags).
Pixels (also called pixel tags, counting pixels, or 1x1 pixels)
This method refers to a graphic, which due to its small size at 1x1 pixel cannot be visually detected when visiting a website and is usually transparent. A pixel can only transmit very limited information, e.g. indicate a "1" (goods purchased) or "0" (goods not purchased).
Script (also known as JavaScript)
The script language is similar to a programming language in its ability to carry out more complex commands or instructions.

2. Purpose

Technically required cookies
Cookies that are technically required enable the website's basic functionality and usability. Among other things, these cookies ensure smooth navigation on the site. Cookies store, for instance, the language you have selected or the contents of your shopping cart. In addition, access to tools with restricted access is also possible. To this end, service providers are also used. However, the responsibility and control for the processing of data lies with us.
The legal basis for the use of these cookies is Art. 6 para. 1 of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We require this information in order to provide you with these online services.
We have currently included the following tags from service providers in this category:
Cookie Name Company Purpose Vailidity
__cfruid Cloudflare This cookie is set by HubSpot's CDN provider based on its rate restriction policy. Session
__cf_bm Cloudflare This cookie is defined by Cloudflare, HubSpot's CDN provider. It helps Cloudflare to identify malicious visitors and minimize the blocking of legitimate users. Session
 __cFroid Cloudflare This cookie is defined by Cloudflare, HubSpot's CDN provider. It helps Cloudflare to identify malicious visitors and minimize the blocking of legitimate users. Session
__hs_do_not_track HubSpot This cookie ensures that the user is not tracked by HubSpot. 13 months
__hs_initial_opt_in HubSpot This cookie is used to prevent banners from being displayed over and over again. 7 days
HubSpot This cookie is used to record the categories to which a visitor has consented. 13 months
__hs_ab_test HubSpot This cookie is used to consistently show visitors the same version of an A/B test page. Session
__hs_opt_out HubSpot This cookie is used to prompt the visitor to accept cookies again. 13 months
IONOS Security cookie for preventing our systems from being attacked by mass requests (DDOS) 1 second
DPX IONOS Security cookie for preventing our systems from being attacked by mass requests (DDOS) 1 hour


Analytic cookies
Cookies for analysis and advertising purposes allow statistics about website visitors to be collected, such as the number of visitors to different areas of the website, frequency of visits, or user behavior and habits. The navigation, services and offers provided by IONOS can be improved.
To this end, service providers are also used. However, the responsibility and control for the processing of data lies with us.
The legal basis for the use of these cookies is Art. 6 para. 1 of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
We have currently included the following tags from service providers in this category:
Cookie Name Company Purpose Validity
mbox Adobe A/B Testing 2 years
demdex Adobe The demdex cookie helps Audience Manager perform basic functions such as visitor identification, ID synchronization, segmentation, modeling, reporting, etc. 6 months
dextp Adobe Audience Manager sets this cookie to record the time of the last data synchronization call. 6 months
dpm Adobe This cookie stores the information that a visitor ID was requested for synchronization purposes. 6 months
s_fid Adobe Identifies unique visits 2 years


Adobe Standard cookie for the integration of Adobe products. Session
everest_g_v2 Adobe Created after a user clicks on a client's ad for the first time and used to associate current and subsequent clicks with other events on the client's website. 2 years
AMCVS_AC42148954F5FEDA0A4C98BC%40AdobeOrg Adobe Standard cookie for the integration of Adobe products 2 years
Marketing cookies
We store information on your user behavior on our website and use this data for individual offers and our own direct marketing campaigns. For this purpose, we or the service provider create a profile of the services and websites you have accessed on the internet and assign them to appropriate categories. You will then be shown content or messages that are relevant to your profile. We also use cookies to make the use of our website as comfortable as possible for you. These cookies should enable you to use our website in the way you are familiar with from previous visits. These cookies contain information that influences the appearance of the website and its usability. To this end, service providers are also used. However, the responsibility and control for the processing of data lies with us.
The legal basis for the use of these cookies is Art. 6 para. 1 of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We will only use your data for this category with your consent.
We have currently included the following tags from service providers in this category:


Cookie Name Company Purpose Validity
_gcl_au Google Tracking cookie used by Google and employed by us for targeted advertising. 90 days
lidc LinkedIn Tracking cookie used by LinkedIn and employed by us for targeted advertising. 1 day
li_gc LinkedIn Used to store guests' consent to the use of cookies for non-essential purposes. 2 years
Partner cookies
On our websites we have integrated the services of third-party providers. These services are rendered by the providers acting on their own discretion. When you visit our website, data is collected using cookies or similar technologies and transmitted to the respective third party. It is important to us that you know that we are not the only ones who process cookie data in this category. In particular, the enterprises that offer these functions and cookies process your data by reading and evaluating it in order to, among other things, display personalized content. This data may also be passed on to other third parties. If and to what extent this is the case, please also refer to the privacy policies of the respective providers linked below. Please note that these companies are responsible for the use of your data beyond our processing and that this is done without our active participation.
We also use the cookies of these third-party providers in part for our own purposes, to display advertising on our site and on the internet that matches your interests. In addition, we use these cookies to optimize the design of our website. These campaigns can be evaluated, tracked and processed by us or our partners. When you visit another website, a cookie from your browser is detected and personalized content is displayed based on your browsing behavior. The basis for this is the creation of an interest profile. It is not generally possible to explicitly identify a person just from visiting our website. In the event that you are a customer with us, and especially if you have logged in, we can identify you as our customer and across devices.
The legal basis for the use of these cookies is Art. 6 para. 1 of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We will only use your data for this category with your consent.
We have currently included the following tags from service providers in this category:
Cookie Name Company Purpose Validity
DSID Google Tracking cookie used by Google and employed by us for targeted advertising. 1 minute
IDE Google Tracking cookie used by Google and employed by us for targeted advertising. 390 days
UserMatchHistory LinkedIn Tracking cookie used by LinkedIn and employed by us for targeted advertising 31 days
AnalyticsSyncHistory LinkedIn Used to store information about the time a synchronisation with the lms_analytics-cookie took place for users in the intended countries. 30 days
_fbp Facebook Tracking cookie used by Facebook and employed by us for targeted advertising. 100 days
_fbp Facebook Tracking cookie used by Facebook and employed by us for targeted advertising. 90 days
lang LinkedIn Tracking cookie used by LinkedIn and employed by us for targeted advertising. Session
bcookie LinkedIn Tracking cookie used by LinkedIn and employed by us for targeted advertising. 2 years
bscookie LinkedIn Tracking cookie used by LinkedIn and employed by us for targeted advertising. 2 years
test_cookie Google Is set as a test to check whether the browser allows cookies to be set. Does not contain any identification features. 15 minutes
__hstc Hubspot The main cookie for HubSpot visitor tracking. 30 minutes
hubspotutk Hubspot This cookie tracks the identity of a visitor. This cookie is transferred to the HubSpot software when a form is submitted and is used to de-duplicate contacts. 13 months
__hssc Hubspot This cookie tracks sessions. It is used to determine if the HubSpot software needs to increase the number of sessions and time stamps in the _hstc cookie. 30 minutes
__hssrc Hubspot This cookie is set if the HubSpot software changes the session cookie. This determines whether the visitor has restarted the browser. 30 minutes
_ga Google Tracking cookie used by Google and employed by us for targeted advertising. 1 year
_gat Google Tracking cookie used by Google and employed by us for targeted advertising. 1minute
_gid Google Tracking cookie used by Google and employed by us for targeted advertising. 1 days

3. Validity

  • Session cookies: these cookies collect and store data for the duration of the user's visit to the IONOS website. They are automatically deleted when the browser is closed.
  • Persistent cookies: these cookies collect and store data in the browser within a variable period of time, depending on the purpose. Persistent cookies and similar technologies remain stored on your computer, tablet or smartphone even after you close your browser. This enables us to recognize you, for example, when you visit our website later. Cookies are only deleted if a new version of the cookies is installed, if you deactivate them or if cookies are deleted on your end device. You can do this quickly and easily at any time on this page under the relevant categories.
Special browser settings allow you to accept, block, or disable all or some cookies on your device. A corresponding manual of the most popular browsers can be found here:
Even if your browser settings have been changed to block certain cookies, you can still access information from the entire IONOS website. However, the operation or use of certain services offered by IONOS may be limited.
If you have consented to the use of cookies, you can withdraw this consent at any time. Existing cookies will be deleted.
Enable and disable partner cookies directly
If you do not want partner cookies to be stored in your browser by our website, please click on the links below for instructions on how to disable them.
You can learn more about how our Partners value your privacy on their websites:
IONOS reserves the right to change this cookie policy if changes are made to the configuration and/or use of cookies. An updated version will be published on this website.